As of the first week in March

Kids’ passport photo fails and what parents need to know to get it done rightFrom the convict to the crier, which one is your child?Edie Garside trying to be serious as she poses for her passport photo From the tears and the tantrums to the silly and startled Replica Celine, it seems our kids are not short of ideas when it comes to keeping those folk at the passport office entertained.The crier Angela Jackson’s son Adam Bradbury was just a few weeks old when she needed to get a passport for him.As you can imagine, he didn’t play ball. Rather he did ball very loudly.The end result was still accepted although Angela, from Gorton, says the whole process was a painful one.She said: “He really wasn’t happy on the photo. It was accepted but the countersignature had to be changed and the passport office lost the pictures so he has a different picture now.”They caused a right mess and it took nearly six months before we finally got a passport for him a few days before flying.”So what should parents do when it comes to making sure their photo isn’t rejected? According to the government website, the following rules apply to photos of babies and children.Children must be on their own in the picture.

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