The epitome of the strong, silent type, Grewcock would walk

Grewcock was four years into a decade long international career of 69 caps for England many of them shoulder to shoulder in the second row with the colossus of captaincy, Martin Johnson when he went on the 2001 tour. The epitome of the strong, silent type, Grewcock would walk the line of the laws, and occasionally trip over it in the notorious match with New South Wales in Sydney seven days before the first Test in Brisbane, for instance, he was one of four players simultaneously sent to the sin bin after a brawl, having been the recipient of an elbow to the face from the Waratahs’ Tom Bowman that gave a sure indication of the way the evening was heading. But one thing is clear from Grewcock’s recollections: it is better to have played a Lions Test series and lost than never to have played one at all..

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